Diagram 5

Faraday rules for generator and motor designs predict a ZERO effect for this arrangement. The assumption is that the two conductors will have an equal and opposite effect on each other. Not so. The effect is less than Faraday but now the windings are 100% efficient. Torques about the Y & Z axes are also present.


The spinning up gas disc in A has properties of C Farads and will have an Hz spin value such that electrical energy = mechanical energy of an internal value CvTo J/kg represented by area ABC. The spun down expansion in B has properties of L and R Henrys and Ohms.
There is an additional value of a spring return work done power of value (Cp-Cv)To J/kg. Area BCD of compression rule PV3.3= C. This will be the cause of the voltage rise and the amperes are most certainly the result of a mechanical MASS RELATIVITY. If the disc KE is Mv2/2 then charge mass generated should be Mv2/2c2.
BCD and ABC combine to spin down hyperbolically to the PV = C rule and gross expansion power = RTo(lne2.5 ) = CpTo J/kg

An example for a glass model engine having a 50 mm bore x 100 mm stroke. The glands are assumed to have zero leakage. A lab model would be inside a sealed glass bottle and charged at the same pressure as the engine. This chosen value is for a Po of 0.05 bar (mep), charged with the piston in mid position. Ambient To is assumed at 300°K.

Argon values are MW = 39.9; Cp = 0.528 kJ/kg/°K and divide by 1.66 for Cv = 0.318; (Cp-Cv) = 0.21; R argon = 208.4 J/kg/°K and the gas volume is 0.000212 M3 for a charge mass of 0.000017 kg. Supply external ionisation and motor run volts. Every full rev will produce its own driving power of 2CvTo = 2 x 318 x 300°K x 0.000017 = 3.24J. At 1800 rpm this is a nett 97 W. An extra 64 W is produced but this is an unavailable self driving spring return.

It is essential to stay close to the external supply switches and cut them to prevent over run. The engine should settle down to its own naturally selected frequency. If it does not, go again and delay switching. The engine will now auto surge to a higher speed if a Quantum impulse electrical, mechanical brake, or both are applied. The system is in an LCR resonance band width. A brake causes a fall in impedance and a surge in amperes. This is a well known phenomena. Diagram 6 shows the resonance diagram for this engine.

I think the effective velocity of the spinning gas disc is always sonic. Not sure but it does appear to be very close. High disc spin causes high centrifugal pressure and the heat values may be converted to velocities in a turbo rocket equivalent.